By Shirleen Guerra The Center Square


Exclusive articles:

City of Berkley will house 23 homeless people in Super 8 motels at $2.5 million a year

(The Center Square) - The city of Berkeley is planning to spend $12.5 million over the next five years to house homeless people in...

Report: City of Detroit hasn’t spent 56% of its American Rescue Plan money

(The Center Square) - The city of Detroit received more than $826.7 million in federal funds from the American Rescue Plan Act And still...

Michigan governments struggling to fully fund pension obligations

(The Center Square) – Several hundred Michigan municipal governments are struggling with vastly underfunded employees pensions. ...

Three states start programs to get people on food stamps to eat healthier

(The Center Square) – Washington, Colorado and Louisiana will be among the first to participate in the United States Department of Agriculture's $25 million...

Detroit nonprofit part of $300 million federal effort to combat ‘food apartheid’

(The Center Square) – Detroit will be among the beneficiaries of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's $300 million effort to combat what they call...


The Economy Is Strong but Inflation Is Too

(AURN News) — The Federal Reserve kept its key...

Patrick lists top 25 legislative priorities, including prayer in school, banning THC

(The Center Square) – Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has...

School choice bill headed to Lee’s desk

(The Center Square) – The Education Freedom Act of...

AI charter proposal invigorates school choice debate

(The Center Square) - The Department of Education is...