(The Center Square) – Wisconsin has designated more than $320,000 to improve more than 900 miles of forest roads in 24 counties.
The County Forest Road Aids are state funds that go to improve roads within county forests that meet the minimum standard of a 16-feet surface width and a 20-feet roadway width. The funds’ goal is to help counties afford necessary road improvements.
More than $81,000 will go to 234 miles of road in Marinette while more than $33,000 will go to both 96 miles of road in Washburn and Douglas.
Bayfield, Burnett, Clark, Florence, Iron, Oconto, Oneida and Vilas will all receive between $10,000 and $16,000 while Ashland, Chippewa, Eau Claire, Jackson, Juneau, Langlade, Lincoln, Marathon, Polk, Price, Rusk, Taylor and Wood will receive less than $10,000.
“Since Gov. [Tony] Evers took office, WisDOT has improved 7,424 miles of road and 1,780 bridges,” Wisconsin Department of Transportation Secretary Craig Thompson said in a statement. “A good transportation network depends on investing in the first and last mile in every part of the state, and we appreciate working with local leaders to deliver infrastructure improvements.”