Can more screen time ease anxiety?
Meditation has long been used as a method to combat mental health conditions like anxiety and depression, but virtual reality may be able to magnify the effects even more. A new study in Frontiers In Psychology reveals that meditating with immersive VR provides greater symptom relief than meditation alone. Since drugs can create unwanted side effects, this research hopes to offer patients an alternative option. (Texas A&M University)
Is crying a sign of more than just sadness?
We know that emotional tears are triggered by strong feelings, but scientists believe there may be a deeper message. According to research in Evolution and Human Behavior, scientists theorize that emotional tears are a type of non-verbal communication. They signal the ideas and events that a person values. It can also help others understand the importance you place on certain things. (University of Miami)
Have you been feeling out of sorts?
Scientists have a hack to get your biological clock back on track and help you feel more balanced. Weak, artificial light won’t stimulate the body’s natural processes like sunlight does, so making sure to get outside every day will keep your clock on schedule. Lastly, staying in a normal routine – even on the weekends – will maintain your circadian rhythms. (Rockefeller University)
Yes, vacation is necessary for your health.
An analysis of 32 studies has revealed that this time off boosts employee well-being. However, these benefits are greatest when people completely disconnect from work. That means no answering emails or calls from the office. Also, engaging in physical activities that increase your heart rate tend to make people feel higher levels of restoration. (University of Georgia)
The post Medical Notes: The Hidden Message Behind Your Tears, Why Vacation Is Necessary For Your Health, And Using Vr To Fight Anxiety appeared first on Radio Health Journal.