
Op-Ed: Stop renting, start owning – push to eliminate property taxes in Texas

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) wants the largest tax relief in state history as the state has a record $33 billion surplus. And he...

Op-Ed: Millennials moving to the center and right

"Why must every generation think their folks are square? I swore when I was small I'd remember all I did wrong back then. I...

Op-Ed: Facing federal pressure, Colorado lawmakers repeal GON-limiting law

In an effort to make it easier to distribute federal broadband funds, Colorado recently implemented a law that will likely increase the spread of...

Op-Ed: FDA barring life-saving chemotherapies from market

Every year, 2 million Americans receive the dreadful news that they have cancer. Getting a handle on the devastating disease requires immediate and continuous...

Op-Ed: Even Meta deserves the rule of law

In Robert Bolt’s play “A Man for All Seasons,” the character of Sir Thomas More argues at one point that he would “give the...
