(The Center Square) − The Louisiana House Select Committee on Homeland Security saw testimony from health officials, doctors and alleged victims in a second day of hearings on Thursday. Before the Moderna vaccine, Carolina Borke said she was a healthy mother.”After my first injection, I had a severe allergic reaction,” Borke said. “After three months of treating myself, my doctor said I still needed a second shot.””Two days after the second injection, I could not get out of bed for two days,” Borke said, adding that she developed further reactions, including dizziness, burning of the skin, and headaches. “When I’m in public, I don’t know what’s going to happen.”Borke said she has seen numerous specialists, yet has been unable to be effectively treated. She has been diagnosed with various conditions and is unable to perform basic tasks such as driving.”Most doctors don’t want to talk about the possibility of vaccine injury,” Borke continued. “I have submitted reports, and doctors have told me none of them received my reports. I have been ignored. I had to send my own reports to Moderna and the Department of Health.”Dr. Kathy Willis, the associate chief medical officer for LSU’s Health Care Services Division, who was working with Medicaid during the pandemic, took aim at early testimony from the Federation of State Medical Board. According to Willis, the FSMB was unknown to most doctors prior to the pandemic, yet suddenly began dictating and regulating health care providers.”The number one problem during the pandemic was information.” Willis said, adding that information was regularly suppressed, and communication was undermined and discouraged.”The lack of willingness to receive input, the tone and strategy seemed to trickle down through all levels of society. Attempts to provide feedback were met with immediate and frequent disdain,” Willis said. “I’ve never seen anything like it in my career.””This responsive intolerability was seen across the board,” Willis said.
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