1. Eligibility for Nomination
- Nominees must identify as Black and reside within the state of Oklahoma.
- Nominations are open to individuals who are making significant contributions through their power, influence, or impact within their communities.
2. Nomination Process
- All nominations must be submitted through the official channels specified by The Black Chronicle Newspaper.
- The deadline for submissions is [insert date]. Late submissions will not be considered.
- Nominators are required to provide accurate and complete information about the nominee.
3. Selection Criteria
- Nominees will be evaluated based on their demonstrated leadership, influence, and positive impact within Oklahoma.
- The selection process will be conducted by a panel designated by The Black Chronicle Newspaper.
4. No Guarantees
- Submission of a nomination does not guarantee selection, publication, or any form of recognition.
- The final decision on featured individuals rests solely with The Black Chronicle Newspaper.
5. Publication
- Selected individuals will be featured in the special Black History Month edition of The Black Chronicle Newspaperon February 27, 2025.
- Features will include both print and digital editions available on www.blackchronicle.com.
6. Permissions
- By submitting a nomination, nominators and nominees grant The Black Chronicle Newspaper permission to publish the nominee’s name, image, and a summary of their achievements in connection with this promotion.
- Nominees may be contacted for additional information or interviews.
7. Disqualification
- Nominations found to be fraudulent, incomplete, or in violation of these terms and conditions will be disqualified.
8. Modifications and Cancellations
- The Black Chronicle Newspaper reserves the right to modify or cancel this promotion at any time without prior notice.
9. Liability
- The Black Chronicle Newspaper shall not be held liable for any claims, damages, or disputes arising from the promotion or publication of nominee information.
10. Contact Information
- For questions or further details about the promotion, please contact The Black Chronicle Newspaper at 405-424-4695, Monday – Friday, 9:00am-4:30pm.
By participating in this promotion, all nominators and nominees agree to these terms and conditions.