(The Center Square) – A vast majority of Nevada voters support some level of access to legal abortion, a new poll shows.Noble Predictive Insights polled 829 registered voters in the state from February 27 to March 5, 2024. It found that 49% of voters in the state said abortion should be legal “only under certain circumstances,” while 45% said it should be legal “under any circumstance.” Only 6% said it should be illegal in all cases.“Nevada is more pro-choice than pro-life,” David Byler, NPI’s chief of research, said in a press release. “But the plurality of Nevadans want something between a complete ban on abortion and unlimited access.”The poll also found that less than one-in-five voters say abortion is a top-three issue facing the state. Just one-in-20 believe it is the top issue. Respondents who said abortion is the number one issue in Nevada were most likely to support unlimited access to abortion.”Politicians who can thread that needle – proposing the limits on abortion that the public wants without veering too far to either side – will win on this issue,” Byler added.In terms of Republicans, pollsters found that not all members of the GOP are alike. For example, approximately 66% of Republicans and 62% of conservatives support legal abortion in some situations. Majorities of various GOP subsets agree, from 72% Party-first Republicans, 69% of Conservative Republicans, 64% Trump-first Republicans, and 60% Moderate Republicans. Women, young people, and mothers were identified by pollsters as those “most likely to be directly impacted by abortion laws.” Women (52%) and voters ages 18 to 34 (53%) favor legal abortions in all cases. As for women with no children, pollsters found 63% of that demographic want abortion to be legal in all circumstances.According to Byler, that could be an advantage for Democrats.“Abortion is an issue that brings Democrats to the polls – and that high enthusiasm has allowed them to beat Republicans in low-turnout special elections,” he said. “And, right now, Republicans do not really know how to message on this issue. They do not have a clear, single stance. And that is an advantage for Democrats.” The poll has a margin of error of ± 3.4%.
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