Kenneth Schrupp


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California state report: High speed rail faces $6.5 billion funding gap, new delays

The California inspector general tasked with reviewing the state’s high speed rail program issued a new report stating the first segment is likely to...

Congressman introduces bill to exclude illegal immigrants from Medicaid

Congressman Kevin Kiley, R-California, has introduced a bill that would prevent states such as California from allowing illegal immigrants to enroll in Medicaid. Kiley...

Credit rating agency warns it may soon lower Los Angeles bond ratings due to fires

Credit rating agency S&P placed a credit watch warning on Los Angeles’s general obligation and municipal improvement lease revenue bonds, signaling at least a...

Entry-level California home costs up 88% from 2020, fires to spike prices further

The monthly payment to purchase an entry-level California home has risen 88% since 2020, according to a new report from the non-partisan, state-funded Legislative...

CA price-gouging laws could block fire victims from renting houses, experts warn

Real estate experts say California’s anti-price-gouging laws could make it impossible to rent out housing to the thousands of families displaced by the ongoing...


Poll: Consumer sentiment highest since 2019 Trump administration

(The Center Square) – Inflation, 2.9% in the final...

Illinois quick hits: Illinois joins lawsuit agsinst Trump’s spending cuts

Illinois is among 22 states suing the Trump administration...

Marine Corps identifies Long Beach native killed in airplane crash in the Philippines

(The Center Square) - Sgt. Jacob M. Durham, a...

Nuclear recycling aims to reduce waste, provide ‘generational jobs’

(The Center Square) − A growing number of energy...